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Keep Calm and Cthulhu Fhtagn t-shirt


Product Description

Most people now know of the famous Keep Calm and Carry On posters commissioned by the British Ministry of Information in 1939, as a morale boosting image in case of a large scale attack during World War II. However, few know of this less popular variant prepared in advance of what seemed like the looming inevitable takeover of the Earth by the high priest from the stars, Cthulhu. Still concerned with the safety of the citizens, this one encourages the population to do the right thing and bow before their rightful overlord. It didn't turn out that way in 1939, but we're still pretty sure it's going to happen soon, so better keep this handy. Keep Calm and Cthulhu Fhtagn is topped by the image of Cthulhu in his fishy diadem and printed in white on Black or Kelly Green shirts.

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